7 Wis.2d 483 (1959)

KADING, Executor, Appellant, v. ROARK, Respondent.

Supreme Court of Wisconsin.

June 2, 1959.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

For the appellant there was a brief by Kading & MacGregor of Watertown, and oral argument by Charles E. Kading.

For the respondent there was a brief by Clifford & Fitzpatrick, attorneys, and William B. Clifford and James A. Fitzpatrick of counsel, all of Watertown, and oral argument by James A. Fitzpatrick.


We have no difficulty in determining that the evidence would support findings that Mr. Kading was causally negligent and Mrs. Roark not.

Mrs. Roark testified in part that before she left the curb she put her head out of the window and saw no cars coming; that she started to pull away from the curb, but saw Mr. Kading's car and stopped; she said she saw Mr. Kading make a broad turn at the corner and that his car was under control. After the impact...

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