7 Wis.2d 417 (1959)

ESTATE OF HARRIS: FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MADISON, Executor, and others, Appellants, v. HARRIS, Respondent.

Supreme Court of Wisconsin.

June 2, 1959.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

For the appellant First National Bank of Madison there was a brief by Stroud, Stebbins & Stroud of Madison, and oral argument by Donald R. Stroud.

For the appellants Mary Margaret Murphy and Josephine H. Schuele there was a brief by Toebaas, Hart, Kraege & Jackman of Madison, and oral argument by F. Halsey Kraege.

For the respondent there was a brief by Schubring, Petersen, Sutherland & Axley and F.D. Shuttleworth, all of Madison, and oral argument by Mr. Arnold R. Petersen and Mr. Shuttleworth.


The agreement consisted of eight numbered paragraphs, of which the most important are as follows:

"1. The party of the second part shall receive and accept from the estate of the party of the first part, upon his decease, and the party of the first part agrees to provide for the benefit of the party of the second part, if she shall survive the party of the first part as his widow, but only so long as the party of the second part shall remain...

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