4 Wis.2d 519 (1958)

FREDRICKS and others, Appellants, vs. INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION and another, Respondents.

Supreme Court of Wisconsin.

June 26, 1958.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

For the appellants there was a brief by Max Raskin of Milwaukee, attorney, and David Rabinovitz of Sheboygan, and Philip L. Padden of Milwaukee, of counsel, and oral argument by Mr. Raskin.

For the respondent Industrial Commission there was a brief and oral argument by Arnold J. Spencer of Madison.

For the respondent Kohler Company there was a brief by Lyman C. Conger and Edward J. Hammer, both of Kohler, and oral argument by Mr. Conger.


The question is: Are employees engaged in a strike or bona fide labor dispute entitled to unemployment compensation benefits if they are discharged by their employer during the course of the strike and they apply for benefits within fifty-two weeks of the date of discharge but more than fifty-two weeks after the date of the close of the most-recent week in which they performed wage-earning services for the employer?

The answer necessitates...

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