3 Wis.2d 510 (1958)

NOLAN, Respondent, vs. WISCONSIN REAL ESTATE BROKERS' BOARD, Appellant. [Five cases, Nos. 217 to 220, and 249.]

Supreme Court of Wisconsin.

April 8, 1958.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

For the appellant there was a brief by the Attorney General and Warren H. Resh, Harold H. Persons, and Robert J. Vergeront, assistant attorneys general, and oral argument by Mr. Vergeront and Mr. Resh.

For the respondent Kenneth R. Nolan there was a brief and oral argument by Albert R. Franz of Milwaukee.

For the respondent Frank Alexander Elko there was a brief by Frank, Karl, Bessman & Hiller of Milwaukee, and oral argument by Leonard Bessman.

For the respondent Edward F. Sisolak there was a brief and oral argument by James G. Sisolak of Milwaukee.

For the respondent Clement Winzenburg there was a brief and oral argument by John J. Tyson, Jr., of Elm Grove.

For the respondent John A. Horning there was a brief and oral argument by William F. Scholl, attorney, and Mark M. Camp of counsel, both of Milwaukee.


Counsel for the five respondents contend that the order of the board revoking or suspending the respondents' licenses is void by reason of failure of the board to comply with statutory procedural requirements in instituting the proceedings against the respondents.

The first defect raised is that no formal complaint was entered or served upon the respondents as provided by sec. 136.08 (4), Stats., and sec. 3.01 (2) of the rules of the board as set...

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