275 Wis. 464 (1957)

FIRST WISCONSIN TRUST COMPANY, Plaintiff and Respondent, vs. PERKINS and wife, Defendants and Appellants: BACH and others, Defendants and Respondents.

Supreme Court of Wisconsin.

April 9, 1957.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

For the appellants there was a brief by Clifford C. Kasdorf and Stephen C. deVries, both of Milwaukee, attorneys, and Carl Hoppe of San Francisco, California, of counsel, and oral argument by Mr. Hoppe and Mr. deVries.

For the respondent First Wisconsin Trust Company there was a brief and oral argument by Keith Frey of Waukesha.

For the respondents there was a brief by Schubring, Ryan, Petersen & Sutherland of Madison, for E. G. Bach, Frances Bach, and Bonnie Bach Ferris, and by Collins H. Ferris of Madison, guardian ad litem, for Craig Fenton Ferris, Martha Lou Ferris, and Carey Belle Ferris, and oral argument by Floyd A. Brynelson of Madison.


Although the appeal is from the whole judgment, the appellants did not attack the trial court's construction of paragraph 17 of the trust instrument either in their briefs or oral argument. We have, however, given the matter consideration, and it is our determination that the trial court's construction of paragraph 17 is correct, and that part of the judgment is hereby affirmed.

In their briefs and argument...

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