272 Wis. 650 (1956)

MODL and another, Appellants, vs. NATIONAL FARMERS UNION PROPERTY & CASUALTY COMPANY and others, Respondents.

Supreme Court of Wisconsin.

May 1, 1956.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

For the appellants there was a brief by Kading & Kading of Watertown, and oral argument by Charles A. Kading.

For the respondents there was a brief by Schubring, Ryan, Petersen & Sutherland and James C. Herrick, all of Madison, and oral argument by Mr. Herrick.


The testimony of Mrs. Modl is as follows: Plaintiffs lived about five miles north of the city of Watertown in Dodge county. On Sunday morning, October 11, 1953, Mrs. Modl and her three children, accompanied their neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick, in the automobile of the Fredericks on a trip to Watertown for the purpose of attending church. They arrived at Watertown at about 9 a. m. The children were taken to a church and Mrs. Modl and the Fredericks went...

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