Docket No. Crim. 5813.

46 Cal.2d 818 (1956)

299 P.2d 243

THE PEOPLE, Respondent, v. PHILIP J. WATSON, Appellant.

Supreme Court of California. In Bank.

July 3, 1956.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Leslie C. Gillen, Gregory S. Stout and William F. Cleary for Appellant.

Edmund G. Brown, Attorney General, Clarence A. Linn, Chief Assistant Attorney General, Victor Griffith and John S. McInerny, Deputy Attorneys General, Thomas C. Lynch, District Attorney (San Francisco), and Cecil F. Poole, Assistant District Attorney, for Respondent.


Defendant appeals from a judgment of conviction of second degree murder. His wife, Arlys Watson, was killed on February 15, 1953, in their San Francisco apartment. Defendant's conviction rests on circumstantial evidence. He does not challenge the sufficiency of the evidence to support the conviction, but he argues these points as grounds for reversal: (1) the restriction of the defense's cross-examination of one of the prosecution witnesses, Officer Mullen...

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