Nos. 13034, 13035, 13038, 13039, 13057, 13058.

231 F.2d 498 (1956)

COASTAL BEND TELEVISION COMPANY, Appellant, v. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION, Appellee, Gulf Coast Broadcasting Company, Intervenor. COASTAL BEND TELEVISION COMPANY, Petitioner, v. UNITED STATES of America and the Federal Communications Commission, Respondents, Gulf Coast Broadcasting Company, Intervenor. MONONA BROADCASTING COMPANY and Bartell Television Corporation, Petitioners, v. UNITED STATES of America and Federal Communications Commission, Respondents, Radio Wisconsin, Inc., Intervenor. MONONA BROADCASTING COMPANY and Bartell Television Corporation, Appellants, v. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION, Appellee, Radio Wisconsin, Inc., and Winnebago Television Corporation, Intervenors. PREMIER TELEVISION, Inc., and Ohio Valley Television Company, Appellants, v. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION, Appellee, Evansville Television, Inc., Intervenor. MID-AMERICA BROADCASTING CORPORATION, Appellant, v. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION, Appellee, Evansville Television, Inc., Intervenor.

United States Court of Appeals District of Columbia Circuit.

Decided February 14, 1956.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Mr. Paul Dobin, Washington, D. C., for Coastal Bend Television Company in Nos. 13034 and 13035. Mr. Stanley S. Neustadt, Washington, D. C., also entered an appearance for Coastal Bend Television Company.

Mr. Benito Gaguine, Washington, D. C., for Monona Broadcasting Company in Nos. 13038 and 13039. Mr. Samuel Miller, Washington, D. C., also entered an appearance for Monona Broadcasting Company.

Mr. J. Roger Wollenberg, Washington, D. C., for appellants in Nos. 13057 and 13058. Messrs. Andrew G. Haley and Michael H. Bader, Washington, D. C., also entered appearances for appellants in Nos. 13057 and 13058.

Mr. Richard A. Solomon, Assistant General Counsel, Federal Communications Commission, for appellees. Mr. Warren E. Baker, General Counsel, also entered an appearance for the Federal Communications Commission. Mr. Daniel M. Friedman, Washington, D. C., entered an appearance for the United States in Nos. 13035 and 13038.

Mr. Paul Segal, Washington, D. C., for Gulf Coast Broadcasting Company, Intervenor, in Nos. 13034 and 13035. Mr. Robert Marmet, Washington, D. C., also entered an appearance for Gulf Coast Broadcasting Company.

Mr. Arthur W. Scharfeld, Washington, D. C., for Radio Wisconsin, Inc., intervenor in Nos. 13038 and 13039.

Mr. Vernon L. Wilkinson, Washington, D. C., for Winnebago Television Corporation, intervenor in Nos. 13038 and 13039. Mr. James A. McKenna, Jr., Washington, D. C., also entered an appearance for Winnebago Television Corporation.

Mr. Vincent A. Pepper, Washington, D. C., for Evansville Television, Inc., intervenor in Nos. 13057 and 13058. Mr. Vincent B. Welch, Washington, D. C., also entered an appearance for Evansville Television, Inc.

Before BAZELON, WASHINGTON and DANAHER, Circuit Judges.

WASHINGTON, Circuit Judge.

These cases, though not consolidated, present similar problems. In each, a UHF television station complains of action by the Federal Communications Commission which allegedly threatens its economic position by licensing a VHF station to function in its area. The UHF stations, whom we may refer to collectively as "petitioners," seek stays of the Commission's actions, pending appeal. All rely on our decision, one judge dissenting, in Greylock...

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