272 Wis. 339 (1956)

ROSE MANOR REALTY COMPANY, Respondent, vs. CITY OF MILWAUKEE and another, Appellants.

Supreme Court of Wisconsin.

March 6, 1956.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

For the appellants there was a brief by Walter J. Mattison, city attorney, and Ralph J. Chmurski and Carl F. Kinnel, assistant city attorneys, and oral argument by Mr. Chmurski.

For the respondent there was a brief and oral argument by Edward S. Grodin of Milwaukee.


The substance of the allegations of the complaint is as follows: Plaintiff is the owner of a parcel of real estate in the city abutting upon the west bank of the Milwaukee river and as riperian owner owns the land up to the center of the river. The land is used for the purpose of parking automobiles for hire. On March 3, 1854, the legislature by charter conferred upon the city authority to establish dock and wharf lines on the banks of the river. The charter...

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