No. 6095.

81 Ariz. 47 (1956)

299 P.2d 638

A.J. SILVA and Jane Doe Silva, his wife, Appellants, v. Herman E. DE MUND, d/b/a Arizona Credit Company; Wayne Bateman and Jane Doe Bateman, his wife; and Ernest Ralls and Jane Doe Ralls, his wife, Appellees.

Supreme Court of Arizona.

July 10, 1956.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

David O. Brown, Mesa, for appellants.

Jerman & Jerman and Charles E. Butler, Phoenix, for appellee Herman E. DeMund.

McKesson & Renaud and J. Gordon Cook, Phoenix, for appellees Wayne Bateman and Jane Doe Bateman and Ernest Ralls and Jane Doe Ralls.

WINDES, Justice.

Appellee Herman E. DeMund, doing business as Arizona Credit Company, filed complaint against Wayne's Motor Sales, a partnership, Wayne Bateman and Jane Doe Bateman, his wife, A.J. Silva and Jane Doe Silva, his wife; and Ernest Ralls and Jane Doe Ralls, his wife, claiming that defendants owed plaintiff $2,781.71 as the balance due from defendants upon certain conditional sales contracts which they had assigned to the plaintiff and upon a trust receipt...

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