271 Wis. 184 (1955)

GIESE and wife, Appellants, vs. HANNI and others, Respondents.

Supreme Court of Wisconsin.

November 8, 1955.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

For the appellants there was a brief by George A. Hartman, Robert G. Hartman, Leo C. Hartman, and George A. Hartman, Jr., all of Juneau, and oral argument by George A. Hartman, Jr.

For the respondents there was a brief by Thiel, Allan & Storck of Mayville, and oral argument by Robert E. Storck and John A. Thiel.


There is little conflict in the evidence but the parties differ respecting the conclusions to be drawn from it.

The trial court made the following findings of fact and conclusions of law:

"Findings of Fact

"1. That on January 10, 1893, Frederick A. Quandt leased to the Rock Cheese Factory Company the following described piece of property, to wit: [Description by metes and bounds.]

"2. That said lease was given in consideration...

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