268 Wis. 325 (1954)

SHEEHAN and another, Appellants, vs. 535 NORTH WATER STREET, Respondent.

Supreme Court of Wisconsin.

December 7, 1954.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

For the appellants there was a brief by Brennan, Brennan & Brennan of Milwaukee, attorneys, and George Schlotthauer of Madison of counsel, and oral argument by Mr. Martin J. Brennan, Mr. Joseph K. Brennan, and Mr. Schlotthauer.

For the respondent there was a brief by Lees & Bunge of Milwaukee, attorneys, and M. H. Giffin and Morris Stern, both of Milwaukee, of counsel, and oral argument by Mr. Stern and Mr. Giffin.


It is conceded that the building in question is a public building within the meaning of ch. 101, Stats. By sec. 101.01 (11), Stats., the term "safe" or "safety" as applied to a public building means such freedom from danger to the safety or welfare of frequenters (among others) as the nature of the building will reasonably permit. Sec. 101.06 states that every owner of a public building shall so construct, repair, or maintain it as to render the same safe...

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