268 Wis. 285 (1954)

MEYERS, Administratrix and another, Appellants, vs. ST. BERNARD'S CONGREGATION, Respondent.

Supreme Court of Wisconsin.

December 7, 1954.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

For the appellants there was a brief by Clifford & Fitzpatrick, attorneys, and William B. Clifford and James A. Fitzpatrick of counsel, all of Watertown, and oral argument by James A. Fitzpatrick.

For the respondent there was a brief by Dakin & Dierker of Watertown, and oral argument by Roland F. Dierker.


The plaintiffs first contend that they are entitled to recover damages because the injuries sustained by Mrs. Garity were the result of a violation of the safe-place statute as contained in ch. 101, Stats. They contend that the stairs and the concourse are an integral part of the church, particularly because of the elevation of the church above the sidewalk level. In the alternative they contend that the concourse and steps are a separate structure within...

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