268 Wis. 62 (1954)

MCCAULEY, Plaintiff and Respondent, vs. INTERNATIONAL TRADING COMPANY, Defendant and Appellant: MILLER, Executrix, and another, Defendants and Respondents. MILLER, Executrix, and another, Respondents, vs. INTERNATIONAL TRADING COMPANY, Appellant.

Supreme Court of Wisconsin.

November 9, 1954.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

For the appellant there were briefs by Kivett & Kasdorf, attorneys, and A. W. Kivett and Stephen C. de Vries of counsel, all of Milwaukee, and oral argument by Mr. A. W. Kivett and Mr. de Vries.

For the respondent Dorothy Miller McCauley there was a brief and oral argument by George H. Moeller of Milwaukee.

For the respondents Clara F. Miller, as executrix, and the Employers Liability Assurance Corporation, Limited, there was a brief by Torphy & Torphy, Thomas E. Torphy, and Bernard J. Luettgen, all of Milwaukee, and oral argument by Mr. Thomas E. Torphy and Mr. Luettgen.

For the respondent Clara F. Miller, as executrix, there was a brief and oral argument by Charles C. Erasmus of Milwaukee.


International Trading Company, hereinafter sometimes called the "corporation," has a country estate and as a part of its facilities owns a number of saddle horses. Waukesha County Trunk Highway K, carrying considerable traffic, runs between the horse barn and an unfenced field belonging to the corporation. The horses require exercise during the times when they are not ridden sufficiently by the corporation's patrons and it was the duty of a corporation employee...

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