265 Wis. 432 (1953)

ESTATE OF OGG: WICK, by Guardian ad litem, Appellant, vs. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Administrator, and others, Respondents.

Supreme Court of Wisconsin.

December 30, 1953.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

For the appellant there was a brief and oral argument by George A. Solsrud of Madison.

For the respondents there was a brief by the Attorney General and Warren H. Resh, assistant attorney general,

for the Regents of the University of Wisconsin and other charitable beneficiaries, and Ela, Christianson & Ela of Madison for the President and Fellows of Harvard University, and oral argument by Mr. Resh.


Appellant seeks a reversal of the determination of the county court in its ruling that upon the death of Grace L. Ogg and Leona Henne Wick, the trust referred to in the above statement of facts does not terminate; and that the Wicks are not entitled to any of the corpus, other, of course, than that which is specifically devised and bequeathed to each.

The testator's plan for disposition of his estate...

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