260 Wis. 443 (1952)

WOLFE, Plaintiff and Respondent, vs. BRIGGS and another, Defendants and Appellants: SNYDER and another, Interpleaded Defendants and Respondents. [Case No. 114.] SNYDER and another, Plaintiffs and Respondents, vs. BRIGGS and another, Defendants and Appellants: METROPOLITAN CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, Interpleaded Defendant and Respondent. [Case No. 115.]

Supreme Court of Wisconsin.

January 8, 1952.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

For the appellants in both cases there was a brief by Quarles, Spence & Quarles, attorneys, and Arthur Wickham and Richard S. Gibbs of counsel, all of Milwaukee, and oral argument by Mr. Gibbs and Mr. Wickham.

For the respondent Joseph Wolfe in Case No. 114 there was a brief by Fugina, Kostner, Quinn & Ward of Arcadia, and oral argument by La Vern G. Kostner.

For the respondents Joseph Snyder and Mary Ellen Snyder in Case No. 115 there was a brief by Lees & Bunge and Bosshard & Arneson, and oral argument by Lawrence M. Engelhard, all of La Crosse.

For the interpleaded defendants and respondents in both cases there was a brief by Hale, Skemp, Nietsch, Hanson & Schnurrer of La Crosse, and oral argument by Thomas H. Skemp.


The principal contention of the appellants relates to which vehicle invaded the other driver's lane of travel. Hermann testified that he was driving upon his own side of the highway; that Snyder approached in Hermann's lane of travel and that he, Hermann, swung his truck to the left to avoid a collision at the same time that Snyder turned to the right. Hermann claimed an emergency was created by the manner and place in which Snyder was driving his automobile...

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