Docket No. 66, Calendar No. 45,615.

335 Mich. 291 (1952)

55 N.W.2d 835


Supreme Court of Michigan.

Decided December 9, 1952.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

George B. Wells, for plaintiff.

Edwin C. Ide, in pro. per.


Ida L. Warner was a former resident of Almont, Michigan, where she owned some property. She had sold a farm near Almont on land contract before moving to Detroit. Beatrice Betker, plaintiff, is the daughter of Mrs. Minnie Betker, who had been a friend of Mrs. Warner for many years. For a time Mrs. Warner and Mrs. Betker owned farms in the same neighborhood; they were also distantly related through marriage. Mrs. Warner also knew plaintiff very well. At...

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