No. 35,336.

232 Minn. 266 (1950)


Supreme Court of Minnesota.

December 22, 1950.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

J.A.A. Burnquist, Attorney General, Ralph A. Stone, Assistant Attorney General, James F. Lynch, County Attorney, and Richard B. Ryan, Assistant County Attorney, for the State.

John I. Levin, for defendant.


This case is before us on a certified question after the defendant had been sentenced in the district court for the crime of indecent exposure under M.S.A. 617.23.

The information alleged that on May 4, 1950, in the city of St. Paul, defendant did "wrongfully, unlawfully, wilfully and lewdly expose his person and the privates thereof at or near the intersection of Rice Street and Aurora Avenue, a public place in the said City, * * *...

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