36 F.Supp. 1006 (1941)


District Court, S. D. New York.

January 31, 1941.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

A. Joseph Geist, of New York City (George E. Netter, Theodore Kadin, and Charles Greenbaum, all of New York City, of counsel), for plaintiff.

Chadbourne, Wallace, Parke & Whiteside, of New York City (Horace G. Hitchcock, of New York City, of counsel), for defendants Morgan, Sanderson, Doe, Royce, and Sperry Corporation.

Humes, Buck, Smith & Stowell, of New York City (William H. Hall, of New York City, of counsel), for defendant Armsby.

Chadbourne, Hunt, Jaeckel & Brown, of New York City (William H. Hall, of New York City, of counsel), for Standard Capital Co. and Cowdin.

Eisman, Lee, Corn & Lewine, of New York City (Louis F. Lee, of New York City, of counsel), for Margolin, petitioning intervenor.

Frederick W. Scholem, of New York City, pro se.

Bijur & Herts, of New York City (Harry Bijur, of New York City, of counsel), for Scholem, petitioning intervenor.

Weinstein & Levinson, of New York City (Frank Weinstein and Samuel J. Levinson, both of New York City, of counsel), for Consolidated Investing Corporation, petitioning intervenor.

Charles J. Tanenbaum and Morton Pepper, both of New York City, for objecting stockholders.

John F. Kavanagh, of New York City, for objecting stockholder.

Aaron Rosenthal, of New York City, pro se.

Herbert M. Greenberger, of New York City (Samuel Schaeffer, of New York City, of counsel), for objecting stockholder.

Stewart Lynch, of Wilmington, Del. (Conrad H. Ratner, of New York City, of counsel), for objecting stockholder.

Morris J. Levy, of New York City for objecting stockholder.

Maurice J. Dix, of New York City, pro se.

Emanuel Rackman, of Hempstead, N. Y., for objecting stockholder.

Paul E. Rapp, of New York City, pro se and for objecting stockholder.

John J. Gilbert, pro se.

Skutch, Meyer & Burton, of New York City, for defendant Pierce.

CONGER, District Judge.

This is an application by the plaintiff for an order approving the proposed compromise of this action, and for an appropriate judgment and decree providing for the acceptance of said compromise according to its terms and the consummation of a settlement thereby contemplated, which has been offered by certain of the defendants in full and final settlement of all matters in the complaint.

Upon the return day of this motion, many stockholders...

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