No. 288.

28 F.Supp. 556 (1939)


District Court, W. D. Kentucky, and Bowling Green.

July 12, 1939.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Eli H. Brown, III, U. S. Atty., and James Garnett, Jr., Asst. U. S. Atty., both of Louisville, Ky.

Charles R. Bell, of Bowling Green, Ky., for defendants.

SWINFORD, District Judge.

This case is before me on the plaintiff's motion to dismiss the defendants' answer. The written motion also seeks judgment on the pleadings.

This is not a proper motion at this state of the proceedings, as the defendant will be given an opportunity to amend. The motion as filed will be treated solely as a motion to strike the answer.

The answer alleges a failure of consideration, but this is not a good defense to a proceeding...

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