12 F.Supp. 823 (1935)


District Court, S. D. New York.

October 23, 1935.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Root, Clark, Buckner & Ballantine, of New York City, for receivers and trustees.

Choate, Hall & Stewart, of Boston, Mass., Cobb, Hoke, Benson, Krause & Faegre, of Minneapolis, Minn., Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro, of San Francisco, Cal., Sonnenschein, Berkson, Lautmann, Levinson & Morse, of Chicago, Ill., Strauss & Hedges and Kiddle, Margeson & Hornidge, all of New York City, Harry Meyer, of Butte, Mont., Hornidge & Dowd, of New York City, Winston, Strawn & Shaw, of Chicago, Ill., and Johnston, Tory & Johnston, of Toronto, Ont., Canada, for trustees.

Rosenberg, Goldmark & Colin, of New York City, for debtor.

Cook, Nathan & Lehman, of New York City, for debtor and Stockholders' Protective Committee.

Davis, Polk, Wardwell, Gardiner & Reed, of New York City, for Debenture Bondholders' Committee.

Beekman, Bogue & Clark, of New York City, for Bank Group Committee.

Cravath, de Gersdorff, Swaine & Wood, of New York City, for Kuhn, Loeb & Co.

Szold & Brandwen, of New York City, for Munger Debenture Bondholders' Committee.

Nathan Burkan, of New York City, for Creditors' Committee.

Malcolm Sumner and Edwin L. Garvin, both of New York City, for petitioning creditors.

Milbank, Tweed, Hope & Webb, of New York City, for trustee under indentures.

Stroock & Stroock, of New York City, for Paramount Broadway Corporation Bondholders' Committee.

Weiss, Pels & Grant, of New York City, for Schenk Paramount Broadway Corporation Bondholders' Committee.

Cotton, Franklin, Wright & Gordon, of New York City, for trustee under indenture of Paramount Broadway Bonds and Depositary of Committee.

A. J. Schanfarber, of Chicago, Ill., A. M. Frumberg, of New York City, Edgar J. Schoen, of Chicago, Ill., and Samuel Zirn, of New York City, for plaintiff in case of Robert S. Levy v. Paramount Publix Corporation et al. in the Supreme Court New York county.

Samuel Zirn, of New York City, for holders of debenture bonds.

Adolph Feldblum, of New York City, for petitioning creditors in involuntary bankruptcy proceedings.

Saul E. Rogers, of New York City, for holders of debenture bonds and shares of stock.

Louis Martin Levy, of New York City, for holders of shares of stock.

Bibb, Dederick & Osbourne, of New York City, for holders of debenture bond of debtor.

Archibald Palmer, of New York City, for holders of shares of stock of debtor.

Jacob J. Lesser, of New York City, for a stockholder.

Samuel Spring, of New York City, for creditor.

Louis Boehm, of New York City, for stockholders.

Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett, of New York City (Thomas D. Thacher, of New York City, of counsel), for Paramount Pictures, Inc.

COXE, District Judge.

These are applications by fifty-three petitioners for the allowance of fees and expenses in connection with the equity, bankruptcy, and reorganization proceedings of Paramount-Publix Corporation, the debtor, which, in one form or another, has been under the jurisdiction of this court for about two and a half years. The aggregate amount of the allowances requested is $3,239,828.15, of which $2,841,031...

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