Nos. 109, 132, 133, 232.

251 U.S. 326 (1920)


Supreme Court of United States.

Decided January 12, 1920.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Mr. Alexander Britton, with whom Mr. C.W. Bunn and Mr. Evans Browne were on the brief, for appellant in No. 109.

Mr. Benjamin Carter, with whom Mr. James F. Wright was on the brief, for appellant in No. 132.

Mr. Frederic D. McKenney, with whom Mr. John Spalding Flannery was on the brief, for appellant in No. 133.

Mr. F. Carter Pope for appellant in No. 232.

The Solicitor General and Mr. La Rue Brown, Special Assistant to the Attorney General, with whom Mr. Joseph Stewart, Special Assistant to the Attorney General, was on the briefs, for the United States.

Mr. William R. Harr and Mr. Charles H. Bates, by leave of court, filed a brief as amici curice, in No. 109.

Mr. Abram R. Serven and Mr. Burt E. Barlow, by leave of court, filed a brief as amici curice, in No. 109.

Mr. L.T. Michener, by leave of court, filed a brief as amicus curice, in No. 132.

Mr. R. Stuart Knapp, by leave of court, filed a brief as amicus curice, in No. 132.

MR. JUSTICE HOLMES announced the judgment of the court and delivered the following opinion, concurred in by the CHIEF JUSTICE and JUSTICES BRANDEIS and CLARKE.

These are claims for compensation for carrying the mails above the amounts allowed and paid by the Postmaster General. The four cases are independent of one another, but as the claims all depend for their validity upon a denial of the Postmaster General's power to...

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