Nos. 26, 46.

159 U.S. 303 (1895)


Supreme Court of United States.

Decided October 21, 1895.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Mr. John J. Weed and Mr. Jefferson Chandler for McKee.

Mr. S.S. Henkle for Mrs. Cochrane; Mr. Enoch Totten and Mr. Reginald Fendall for Mrs. Latrobe; and Mr. James Coleman and Mr. Nathaniel Wilson for Lamon & Black submitted on their several briefs on the motion to dismiss.

Mr. Totten and Mr. Fendall for Mrs. Latrobe and Mr. Henkle for Mrs. Cochrane, submitted on their briefs, on the merits.

Mr. A.B. Duvall for Gilfillan submitted on his brief.

Mr. Willis B. Smith for Marbury, Administrator, submitted on his brief.

Mr. George F. Appleby and Mr. Calderon Carlisle for McPherson.

MR. JUSTICE BROWN, after stating the case, delivered the opinion of the court.

A motion to dismiss the appeal of McPherson, made by the appellees, demands a preliminary consideration. This motion is made upon the ground, first, that the appellant is precluded from questioning the validity of the decree because, having been awarded a large sum of money out of the fund for distribution, he applied for and received the same, as did all the other beneficiaries...

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