6 U.S. 10 (1804)

2 Cranch 10


Supreme Court of United States.

February 14, 1804.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

The circuit court decreed, that the rents which accrued during the existence of paper money should be reduced according to the scale for the time when they became payable, but that the subsequent rents should be paid in specie. From this decree Faw appealed, and the case was now argued by Swann and Mason for the appellant; and by E.J. Lee, Jones, and Key, for the appellee.

For the appellant, it was conterded.

The case, as stated by Marshall, ch. j. in delivering the opinion of the court, was as follows:

in the month of May, 1779, the executors of John Alexander in pursuance of a power contained in the will of their testator, set up to the highest bidder on a ground rent for ever, certain lots of land lying in the town of Alexandria.

One of these lots containing half an acre, was struck off to a certain Peter...

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