
Displaying 9901 to 9925 of 32859 Comments
[+] Jack Johnson on JOHNSON v. GENTRY
This is how I know that Sarah Marie Johnson is not guilty of the murders of her Parents,Alan Scott Johnson & Diane Marie Johnson. Alan was 6 feet 6 inches tall & Sarah is only 5 feet 2 inches tall,meaning that she was too short to shoot him in the chest by shooting from straight across,while standing flat on the ground. The actual shooter in this case is Christopher Kevin Hill,who is 6 feet tall,he shot Alan from straight across,while standing flat on the ground,all that he had to do,after he shot Diane,who was sleeping in bed,was aim the rifle straight across at his chest & then with 1 pull of the trigger,he shot him in the chest from staight across. If she wanted to shoot Alan in the chest,while standing flat on the ground,then Sarah would have had to aim the rifle in the direction of the bullet going up,in order to do that,before pulling the trigger. If she wanted to shoot Alan in the chest from straight across,then she would have had to stand on either a stool or a stepladder i
Hi, I wanted to know if you an help me out. I found today a Certificate of Shares # NC4822 Monmouth Airlines, Inc. shares(100) which was purchased in Nov. 16, 1970 by Thomas Kourakos(my father). My dad passed in 2016. Wanted to know if these shares are worth anything. Appreciate your kind assistance.
This dude is a slum lord and monster with a grossly inappropriately high opinion of himself. His brother and business partner is disgusting too, the family is truly shameful. Murderers to boot. A whole family died for their greed.
[+] Coldenia Leratisanh Letsele on UNITED STATES v. HAMADE
Yes I know the guy very well, I was working for him not knowing that I'm working for a crook, I was helping him to register the cars in his name,nd one day I found out he's using two names nd wen u asked him he said its because he doesn't want his cars to seized wen things got bad,but I didn't understand the meaning of that,but I thank god he end up being arrested coz he wasn't avoid man at all,more especially wen it comes to women, he was abusing young girls by the name of love and money, I wish he can rot in jail.
[+] Landi papazian on UNITED STATES v. ATOLIKIAN
Jacqueline will never be free of her poor decisions what she did... Jackie sold her self out.every conversation I had with Jackie I told her never ever send letters to codefendants.i told her the harm this could do to James.. she had her own did the same as Michael Sullivan did .. and yes you crucified Mike Sullivan . You lied on the stand .. you said you did not no The seriousness Of this.. well go back to your messages, you also betrayed me and hurt James.i hope you find Peace and comfort what you did.
[+] Daniel Felix on FELIX v. DOUGHTIE
THIS should show everyone just how corrupt our entire court system really is and how nobody ever gets to win against the corrupt authorities. If I have proven anything with this lawsuit is that the entire court system is corrupt and protects the corrupt authorities and is against the American people. I encourage everyone to read this lawsuit to see just how corrupt our court system is!
[+] Eric on STATE v. MEEK
Seems to me there thing's mising from the trans scripts the was said at trial that aren't in the trans scripts so how can someone get a fair appeal when the transcript are in complete
[+] Shaft mcshafty on STATE v. MEEK
Rail Roads
I have the names of the people who are responsible for this page and these comments against me. You are in bad trouble. You are going up as CHILD RAPISTS first. Then it gets Worse. So keep these Comments Up as they are Motivation to do what I am going to do to You. You've heard of Charlie Hedbo.
[+] Aaron Matheson on HULL v. COMMISSIONER
I am very interested in the History of Billy’s Playboy pool house . I never got to go inside but a few days ago I drove up the ridge to see the old gate with the two palm trees and buzz in key pad, and of course the Helicopter pad. So sad to see the vandalism and graffiti that happened over the years . I wish it could’ve been preserved for tours and I could even picture a book being wrote about Billy and his family.
I am the son of morris goodhartz grandson of Samuel goodhartz
I was friends with them and also in business with Bruce through my company. I have no doubt that he killed her. I have many reasons for this but I don’t want to go over to typing it. Let’s suffice it to say that I keep an eye on his stories because I would be terrified for him to get out. Please never give this creepy monster parole
[+] Lonye'a R Grace on PEOPLE v. DUNIGAN
How is that premeditation if it was a fight. When the aggressor was Veir. Just because someone says something
[+] Ronald Miller on NYKORCHUCK v. HENRIQUES
Is this still good law?
[+] Robert Lancaster on GONZALEZ v. COMMONWEALTH
I'm sure that you would be the first in line to accuse the Police of Not doing their job, if this violent person was allowed to walk and killed someone close to you. I was involved in a case of a violent person that beet a woman badly and he threatened me several times for being a witness and got off on appeal. Similar circumstances of evidence thrown out as past behavior not being relevant. 18 months after he was released, he shot my Dog. 2 days later he broke into my house and pointed a pistol at me. I put 2 rounds through his chest with my M-1 rifle. I spent the next 3 years in and out of court over killing that lowlife and another 2 years fighting a law suit that his wife tried to sue me for wrongful death. The fees were over whelming and had to sell my house. It was like that scum had more rights than I had. Even with Police support/evidence I almost lost. Scared of losing everything and going to prison is an understatement. Be careful what you wish for, it could happen to you.
He was framed.
He was framed this whole case is a lie there isn’t any proof he did do it.
[+] Ebrahim on AJ ENERGY LLC v. WOORI BANK
Send my peymant
[+] tanya carmouche on PEOPLE v. CORDER
Slander and sensationalizing a 19 year old misguided youth such as Carmouche is Ludacris. Text messages taken apart and revised to display a cold calculated killer is insane. This is plagerized slander against my daughter. In the end only GOD will judge. All parties involved will live with their choices and decisions made even the So called victim. This doesn't tell the actions leading up to this encounter, how GIGI Corder attacked my daughter a week prior to this breaking her $400 glasses I just paid for. I will fight for my daughter till the blood runs cold from my heart. She is a got damn victim of the system. Nobody wins in this case. No justice is served. All that I have placed in the Vortex will be revealed. Shame on you courts. Shame on you half assed Leagles who printed this assinine piece of shit. Shame on you for shaming our black youths.
[+] Leann Sowell on BRYANT v. STATE
Appeal status?
[+] john wiza on EUBANK v. PELLA CORPORATION
will I eve r get a financial settlement??
[+] Wendy regan on UNITED STATES v. REGAN
They deserve full extent of law for all accounts no bargaining should be allowed They are lier and did this together Throw book at them
[+] Boyd W Flwers on SWANEY v. REGIONS BANK
what is this
[+] Brooke on DeLISI v. STATE
Yeah, what he said. By the way, what the hell was that any way?