
Displaying 9451 to 9475 of 32859 Comments
[+] Roger on McCUTCHAN v. McCUTCHAN
This Edward dude is a slimeball.
[+] Wendy Catron on U.S. v. GRADY
I truly believe Mr Grady has done enough time for his charges. He deserves a chance to start his life over. I have never met someone who truly regrets his past as much as Mr Grady.
[+] teresa loftus on DAVIDOW v. H&R BLOCK, INC.
I am a victim of HRB discrimination interested in representation to help me with my case against the Hawaii East District
[+] Lorenzo Lucaj on SHUTI v. ADDUCCI
I think he deserves to be in the US. He's not a bad guy.
[+] Audrey Kimner on KIMNER v. WEB WATCHERS
I have filed with the federal appeals court. I will win my RICO wiretapping and slander case. All involved will be accountable.
[+] Jen on CLARK v. NOBLE
Horrible and distasteful disgusting show of our justice system!!! Eye witness at the scene! Improper police work and I whole heartedly support law enforcement! But this is a complete miscarriage of justice
[+] Michael A on U.S. v. PAPAZIAN
James belongs in the Prison! Shut the fuck up Landi!
[+] Reyna k Montano on ESTATE OF KLETT v. EBOCH
Don't findings??
So is there any benefits or funds that are gonna be dispersed to the former employee's? I am one!
[+] Jessica Williams on PEREZ-PEREZ v. RAY
My husband is an inmate at Estill Correctinal Insitution and have not received his meds for at least a month. Can someone please help me find out why. Thank you,
[+] Travis M Holley on ATKINS v. ATKINS
I don't normally handle divorces, but i do a lot of motion practice. Ha
[+] Andrew Rodriguez on ALFARO v. NPL CONSTRUCTION CO.
I worked for NPL from 2014 tru middle of 2017 and I never received a letter or notice about this class action . I left NPL for that reason overtime at normal pay, work thru lunches, etc.
What if my senior mother was unaware of this class action, and continue to be screwed by all parties what can she do? Please respond
[+] Roger Thomas on PEOPLE v. BANICH
My brother lived in a barricaded room, He did not barricade himself He lived this way,there was 4×8 sheets 10 pcs. thick around the perimeter of his room. He would have never heard the police calling out to him. Most likely due to the fact that he played his music at very high levels could have heard nothing. Their is no question that He was a paranoid Schizophrenic, the barricade was there to protect himself from the police which he was terrified of. He told us that the police would stop him from time to time and thteaten him. The Bar tender said she saw Rocco in the back yard shooting st the Bar, which is impossible as there is a Seven foot fence around the entire back yard.things would have not gone this way if she had not represented himself, she was crazy enough not to realise this, how in the world was he allowed to represent himself. The police was just looking for an opportunity to throw him in prison. HE had no priors This is a case of misjustice.
[+] Dave Spearing on CERJANEC v. FCA US, LLC
I was terminated from FCA at age 64 on 1/23/2020 due to a poor PLM and then put on a PIP stating poor performance. I could not be part of a class action lawsuit due to the fact I was bound by arbitration, I'm in the arbitration process and also have the right to sue stated by the EEOC that I had filed back in February. I'm also in the process of going through the Federal courts Pro Se,Is there anyone that can help me with questions that I have ? Please advise.
[+] Gale Oleson MD on WARREN v. DINTER
My non-legal perspective is that the doctrine of the greater good is disrupted by decisions that limit professionals from soliciting and discussing diagnostic and treatment options without analyzing legal questions of whether they are unknowingly creating an unintended physician-patient relationship. The public has been well served for decades by intellectual exchange not limited by risk of liability. Additionally, if a healthcare provider is not adequately trained to know how to diagnose the conditions they are seeing there is no question that a physician should be supervising the alternate healthcare provider. Minnesota should reconsider it's collaborative physician laws.
[+] Linda McGee ruble on STATE v. PIGOTT
This was my mother I’m trying to see how many years mr piggery got for killing her
As a result of this case I have no faith in our legal system as Dollar gave testimony and admitted they did violate the law and had since changed their policies as a result of this case. They ransacked my property, refused to take payment and expedited paperwork changed the due date while in Lien status, again violating the law to excel the due date forward 2 weeks to give themselves the legal right to sell, they sold it a day earlier than the law states and sold my property without my knowledge. I was going through a terrible divorce, games played with my support, I was always late but I ALWAYS PAID. ALWAYS!! Dollar was determined to prevent me from knowing about the sale until after it was sold. They wanted to get rid of fast to cover up the fact that a theft had occurred. I identified my grandfather clock by the serial number, it was listed for sale 8 days before they conducted the sale of my storage unit and the contents which included the clock. They stole then sold to coverup!
When is the expected date that employees should expect to see any funds? Thanks in advance.
[+] Mickey Irvin on IRVIN v. STATE
After 10 years I still say I was found guilty by the faulse statements the police officer made after he put his hand on the Bible and said he would tell the truth. Well he didn't. I can still remember all that happened like it was yesterday. I wish I could prove the truth. I guess I'll go to my grave with the truth. I was not guilty of those charges and as God is my witness I told the truth but I was found guilty by the lies of that police officer. I did trust the police but now how can I trust them after what he done to me
[+] Vaughn Johnson on JOHNSON v. ICE
Vaughn Johnson can not afford an attorney at this time. Please help him with getting an attorney. Please review Vaughn Case and see if this has strong merits. Please have an attorney contact Vaughn at [email protected]
[+] Charity Greenwood on PEOPLE v. WAGNER
Austin “Eddie” Wilmott was a friend of mine, I’m 43. I was 12 when he was murdered, changed my life. I need to know if Michael Wagner is still living.
The Railroad Retirement Board operated outside the law and the Constitution Article VI from day one I applied for initial benefit. The APPEALS COURT for DC case 14-1251 APENDIX Page JA048 RRB states: “Your railroad retirement annuities must be reduced because you are entitled to Social Securities”. This is in violation of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974 that wet in effect January 1, 1975. The Railroad Retirement Act of 1974 provides for those that “qualified” i.e. Employees with more than11 years of service by December 31, 1974 and 25 years at retirement and a current connection, benefits will be calculated with It clearly states, “The 45 U.S.C. Sec. 231b and it states: 1 “For the purpose of this subdivision, the final average monthly compensation of an individual shall be determined by
[+] Alicia Takens on ESSLINGER v. HSBC BANK NEVADA, N.A.
I have received an email regarding Settlement No. 10-3213 as well as received the settlement information via direct mail to my home residence. I too, have yet to receive any settlement accommodations that were supposed to be rewarded to me. Please contact me via email at [email protected] to fix and clear up this issue. Thank you.
[+] Ava on AVERY v. DiFIORE
Ms. Avery has abused our legal system for her on self gratification.. If she doesn’t get what she wants MS Avery will file false and frivolous charges against her defendant . Susan Avery had her estranged, now ex-Husband falsely accused of fraud when he failed to reconcile with Susan Avery and choose another women instead . Susan’s astranged hysband Matthew Weissman