No. 20220351-CA.

2024 UT App 171

STATE OF UTAH, Appellee, v. BRYCE MASON, Appellant.

Court of Appeals of Utah.

Filed November 21, 2024.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Emily Adams, Freyja Johnson, and Melissa Jo Townsend, Attorneys for Appellant.

Sean D. Reyes and Jonathan S. Bauer, Attorneys for Appellee.

JUDGE RYAN D. TENNEY authored this Opinion, in which JUDGES GREGORY K. ORME and AMY J. OLIVER concurred.


¶1 During a confrontation at an outdoor party, Bryce Mason retrieved a gun from his vehicle. As a result of circumstances that were later disputed at trial, the gun was fired, hitting a nearby partygoer in the foot. A jury later convicted Mason of aggravated assault with serious bodily injury. Mason now challenges...

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