Appellate Case No. 2022-001505 Opinion No. 28191.

442 S.C. 169 (2024)

898 S.E.2d 132

The STATE, Respondent, v. Lance Antonio BREWTON, Petitioner.

Supreme Court of South Carolina.

Filed January 31, 2024.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Appellate Defender Kathrine Haggard Hudgins, of Columbia, for Petitioner.

Attorney General Alan McCrory Wilson and Senior Assistant Attorney General Mark Reynolds Farthing, both of Columbia; and Solicitor Barry Joe Barnette, of Spartanburg, for Respondent.

Lance Antonio Brewton was convicted by a jury of murdering Natalie Niematolo, Brewton's on-again, off-again girlfriend. He seeks a writ of certiorari to review the decision of the court of appeals in State v. Brewton, 437 S.C. 44, 876 S.E.2d 141 (Ct. App. 2022). We grant the petition on the sole issue of the trial court's admission...

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