C.A. No. PC-2024-01374.

RICHARD SCHIEFERDECKER, JUDITH AMARAL, LORIANNE MEDEIROS, REV. JOSEPH A. ESCOBAR, CECILIA CABRAL, OM DEVKOTA, and NANCI SARGANIS, Appellants, v. CITY OF PROVIDENCE ZONING BOARD OF REVIEW, sitting as BOARD OF APPEAL, Marc Greenfield, Anthia Maniotes, Bianca Rodriguez, Ryan Holt, Ryan Brendan, in their capacities as members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, and CITY OF PROVIDENCE CITY PLAN COMMISSION, Michael Gazdacko, Nicole Verdi, Noel Sanchez, Charlotte Lipschitz, In their capacity as members of the City Plan Commission, and FOX POINT CAPITAL, LLC, and JACK LINDENFELD, Appellees.

Superior Court of Rhode Island, PROVIDENCE, SC.

Filed: September 23, 2024.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Michelle M. Hawes, Esq., Kerin L. Browning, Esq., For Plaintiff.

Sharon Garner, Esq. Meagan M. Bellamy, Esq. Dylan B. Conley, Esq., For Defendant.


Before this Court is the appeal of Richard Schieferdecker, Judith Amaral, Lorianne Medeiros, Rev. Joseph A. Escobar, Cecilia Cabral, Om Devkota, and Nanci Sarganis's appeal from a decision of the City of Providence Zoning Board of Review, sitting as the Board of Appeals (Zoning Board). The City...

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