69 A.D.3d 1214 (2010)

891 N.Y.S.2d 759

2010 NY Slip Op 450

In the Matter of the Claim of SHELLY DAVIS, as Administrator of the Estate of JANELLE M. RILEY, Deceased, Appellant, v. LABOR READY et al., Respondents. WORKERS' COMPENSATION BOARD, Respondent.

Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of New York, Third Department.

Decided January 21, 2010.


Decedent was employed by Labor Ready, an employment agency that provides temporary employees to its clients. On March 16, 2004, decedent was driven, along with two other employees, to a work assignment at Dunkirk Ice Cream by McKinley Barnes, a Labor Ready employee who was not working that day but had agreed to drive decedent and the two other employees to the work site. Barnes returned to Dunkirk when decedent...

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