No. 2010-CA-01982-COA.

85 So.3d 335 (2012)

Stanley R. BOLIVAR and Cindy Bolivar, Appellants, v. Joyce WALTMAN, Appellee.

Court of Appeals of Mississippi.

April 3, 2012.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Debra Lynn Allen, attorney for appellants.

Billie J. Graham, Laurel, attorney for appellee.


MAXWELL, J., for the Court:

¶ 1. Stanley and Cindy Bolivar, the maternal grandparents of two minor children, challenge the sufficiency of the chancellor's findings supporting the award of grandparent visitation to Joyce Waltman, the paternal grandmother. Because the children's parents, who are necessary parties under Mississippi Code Annotated section 93-16-5 (Rev.2004), were not joined in the action, we find the chancellor lacked jurisdiction to address grandparent...

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