No. 4:23-CV-04137-LLP.

MARK ANTHONY CHRISTIANS, Plaintiff, v. MICHAEL JOE HANVEY, Physician Assistant at SDSP-Jameson, in his individual and official capacity; KELLIE WASKO, Secretary of Corrections at South Dakota State, in her individual and official capacity; ALYSSA WELBIG, Nurse Practitioner at SDSP-Jameson, in her individual and official capacity; DAN SULLIVAN, Former Warden at SDSP-Jameson, in his individual and official capacity; ARAMARK CORRECTIONAL SERVICES, LLC, Contract Food Service Provider at SDSP-Jameson, in its individual and official capacity; SGT. STEVEN SWYGERT, Sgt. for SDSP/Jameson, in his individual and official capacity; RYAN HOWYE, Unit Coordinator at Jameson, in his individual and official capacity; TIMOTHY SCHNEIDER, Unit Manager at Jameson, in his individual and official capacity; MELISSA MATURAN, Administrative Remedy Coordinator at Jameson, in her individual and official capacity; TERESA BITTINGER, Warden at SDSP/Jameson, in her individual and official capacity; ANTHONY GRAHAM, Aramark Supervisor at Jameson, in his individual and official capacity; MARK, Aramark Supervisor at Jameson, in his individual and official capacity; IAN, Aramark Supervisor at Jameson, in his individual and official capacity; UNKNOWN DIETICIAN, Aramark Dietician for Jameson, in his or her individual and official capacity; C. IRIZARRY, Aramark Dietician, in his or her individual and official capacity; RAINY, Aramark Supervisor at Jameson, in his or her individual and official capacity; TODD IRVIN, Correctional Officer, in his individual and official capacity; CODY PAULSON, Correctional Officer, in his individual and official capacity; SUMMIT FOOD SERVICE, Food Service Provider at Jameson, in its individual and official capacity; JOHN TRIERWEILER, Summit District Manager, in his individual and official capacity; JESSICA WALDNER, Summit Dietician, in her individual and official capacity; TROY PONTO, Associate Warden, in his individual and official capacity; GASSON, Aramark Supervisor, in his or her individual and official capacity; GRAY, Aramark Supervisor, in his or her individual and official capacity; YIEN, Aramark Supervisor at Jameson, in his or her individual and official capacity; KAYLA TONLIN, Aramark Dietician for Jameson, in her individual and official capacity; JULIE COX, Nurse Practitioner for SDDOC, in her individual and official capacity; KAYLA THELEN, Mental Health Supervisor, in her individual and official capacity; CIERRA REVOLORIO, Health Services Supervisor, in her individual and official capacity; AARON HAYNES, Chief Medical Officer for DOH, in his individual and official capacity; SETH HUGHES, Captain at Jameson Annex, in his individual and official capacity; JEANNIE BERTSCH, Major at Jameson Annex, in her individual and official capacity; MARK RICHTER, Doctor at Jameson Annex, in his individual and official capacity; SHELBY BLACK, Nurse Practitioner at SDDOC, in her individual and official capacity; (WESLEY) LIETENANT GRASSIE, Jameson Annex, in his individual and official capacity; JACK WALTER, Unit Coordinator at Jameson, in his individual and official capacity; RYAN VANDERAA, Unit Manager at Jameson, in his individual and official capacity; PENNY LINDSAY, C.O. at Jameson, in her individual and official capacity; JOHN AND/OR JANE DOE(S), Executives for Summit Foods, in their individual and official capacities; TABITHA BENTING, Associate Warden at Jameson, in her individual and official capacity; RYAN LANDON, Health Services Supervisor, in his individual and official capacity; JENNIFER JACKSON, Dietician for SDDOC, in her individual and official capacity; CASSANDRA KRETCM, Mental Health Professional, in her individual and official capacity; LIZ MILLER, Mental Health Professional, in her individual and official capacity; TAYLOR YOST, Unit Coordinator, in his or her individual and official capacity; AMBER PIRRAGLIA, Director of Prisons, in her individual and official capacity; DARIN YOUNG, Former Chief Warden, in his individual and official capacity; JENNIFER DREISKE, Former Associate Warden, in her individual and official capacity; JESSICA COOK, Former Associate Warden, in her individual and official capacity; BRENT FLUKE, Former MDSP Warden, in his individual and official capacity; MIKE LEIDHOLT, Former Secretary of Corrections, in his individual and official capacity; REBECCA SCHIEFFER, Associate Warden MDSP, in her individual and official capacity; and SUSAN HUDSON, Lead Supervisor for Aramark, Defendants.

United States District Court, D. South Dakota, Southern Division.

September 18, 2024.


Plaintiff, Mark Anthony Christians, an inmate at the South Dakota State Penitentiary (SDSP) Jameson Annex, filed a pro se civil rights lawsuit under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Doc. 1. Christians timely...

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