NO. 5:22-CT-3008-FL.

718 F.Supp.3d 464 (2024)

Umar ADEYOLA, Plaintiff, v. Dr. Edavally REDDY, Jennifer Adkins, Ms. Bunn, and United States of America, Defendants.

United States District Court, E.D. North Carolina, Western Division.

Signed February 21, 2024.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Umar Adeyola, Camden, NJ, PRO SE.

Jake William Stewart, Cranfill Sumner LLP, Charlotte, NC, for Defendant Dr. Edavally Reddy.

Katharine Paige O'Hale, United States Attorney's Office, Raleigh, NC, for Defendants Jennifer Adkins, Ms. Bunn, United States of America.


This matter is before the court on motions to dismiss pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 12(b)(1), 12(b)(2), 12(b)(4), 12(b)(5), and 12(b)(6) by defendants United States of America ("United States"), Jennifer Adkins ("Adkins...

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