United States District Court, D. Delaware.https://leagle.com/images/logo.png
Signed February 5, 2024.
Signed February 5, 2024.
Attorney(s) appearing for the Case
Adam Wyatt Poff, Samantha G. Wilson, Pilar Gabrielle Kraman, Young, Conaway, Stargatt & Taylor LLP, Wilmington, DE, Andrew Z. Barnett, Pro Hac Vice, Brooke N. McLain, Pro Hac Vice, Daniel S. Block, Pro Hac Vice, Daniel E. Yonan, Pro Hac Vice, Davin B. Guinn, Pro Hac Vice, Deirdre M. Wells, Pro Hac Vice, Graham C. Phero, Pro Hac Vice, Kyle E. Conklin, Pro Hac Vice, Paul A. Ainsworth, Pro Hac Vice, R. Wilson Powers III, Pro Hac Vice, William H. Milliken, Pro Hac Vice, Washington, DC, John F. Triggs, Pro Hac Vice, Ryan D. Levy, Pro Hac Vice, Scott M. Douglass, Pro Hac Vice, Seth R. Ogden, Pro Hac Vice, Nashville, TN, William E. Sekyi, Pro Hac Vice, Mark A. Kilgore, Pro Hac Vice, Joseph H. Kim, Pro Hac Vice, Dominic A. Rota, Pro Hac Vice, for Plaintiff.
Bindu Ann George Palapura, Andrew L. Brown, Potter Anderson & Corroon, LLP, Wilmington, DE, Christopher D. Mays, Pro Hac Vice, James C. Yoon, Pro Hac Vice, Palo Alto, CA, Erik J. Carlson, Pro Hac Vice, Naoya Son, Pro Hac Vice, Los Angeles, CA, Lucy Yen, Pro Hac Vice, New York, NY, Ryan R. Smith, Pro Hac Vice, for Defendant.
JOSHUA D. WOLSON, District Judge.
Economists love assumptions. One joke recites that a physicist, a chemist, and an economist find themselves on a desert island with a single can of food. The physicist offers to calculate the force needed to use a coconut to open the can. The chemist offers to make a solution...
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