GUNNISON COUNTY STOCKGROWERS' ASSOCIATION, INC., a Colorado Nonprofit Corporation; and Colorado Cattlemen's Association, a Colorado Nonprofit Corporation Petitioners,
U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE; Martha Williams, in her official capacity as Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife; Jeff Davis, in his official capacity as Director of Colorado Parks and Wildlife; Eric Odell, in his official capacity as Wolf Conservation Program Manager for Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife; and Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission, Respondents.
United States District Court, D. Colorado.
Signed December 15, 2023.
Signed December 15, 2023.
Attorney(s) appearing for the Case
Lucas E. O'Brien, Michael Allan Kopp, Trout Raley PC, Denver, CO, for Petitioner Gunnison County Stockgrowers' Association, Inc.
James W. Sanderson, Anthony M. Roeber, Welborn Sullivan Meek & Tooley PC, Denver, CO, for Petitioner Colorado Cattlemen's Association.
Ellen Medlin Richmond, Defenders of Wildlife, Denver, CO, for Intervenor Defendant Defenders of Wildlife.
Jennifer E. Best, Friends of Animals, Louisville, CO, Stephen Russel Hernick, Friends of Animals Wildlife Law Program, Centennial, CO, for Intervenor Defendant Friends of Animals.
Kelly Elizabeth Nokes, Western Environmental Law Center, Buena Vista, CO, Thomas R. Delehanty, Earthjustice, Denver, CO, for Intervenor Defendant Wild-Earth Guardians.
Thomas R. Delehanty, Earthjustice, Denver, CO, for Intervenor Defendants Center for Biological Diversity, Western Watersheds Project, Humane Society of the United States.
Brian R. Herman, DOJ-Enrd, Washington, DC, Lisa Anne Reynolds, Colorado Attorney General's Office, Denver, CO, for Respondent U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Brian R. Herman, DOJ-Enrd, Washington, DC, for Respondent Martha Williams.
Christopher G. Breidenbach, Colorado Department of Law Natural Resources and Environment, Denver, CO, David Charles Cooperstein, Colorado Department of Law Parks, Wildlife, and Trust Lands, Denver, CO, Lisa Anne Reynolds, Colorado Attorney General's Office, Denver, CO, for Respondents Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife, Jeff Davis, Eric Odell, Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission.
REGINA M. RODRIGUEZ, United States District Judge.
The reintroduction of the gray wolf in Colorado has been a matter of controversy for a number of years, with valid interests and concerns raised on each side of the equation. In November of 2020, the voters passed a measure to allow the reintroduction of gray wolves in Colorado....
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