Master Docket No. 20-1076-CFC.

In re Seroquel XR (Extended Release Quetiapine Fumarate) Antitrust Litigation. This Document Relates to: All Actions.

United States District Court, D. Delaware.

July 5, 2022.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Carmella P. Keener, COOCH AND TAYLOR, P.A., Wilmington, Delaware; Bruce E. Gerstein, Joseph Opper, Kimberly M. Hennings, Daniel Litvin, GARWIN GERSTEIN & FISHER LLP, New York, New York; Peter R. Kohn, Joseph T. Lukens, FARUQI & FARUQI, LLP, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; David F. Sorensen, Caitlin G. Coslett, BERGER MONTAGUE PC, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Stuart E. Des Roches, Amanda Hass, Chris Letter, Dan Chiorean, Thomas J. Maas, ODOM & DES ROCHES, LLC, New Orleans, Louisiana; Susan C. Segura, Erin R. Leger, David C. Raphael, Jr., SMITH SEGURA RAPHAEL & LEGER, LLP, Alexandria, Louisiana; Russell A. Chorush, REIM PAYNE & CHORUSH, LLP, Houston, Texas Interim Lead Counsel for the Direct Purchaser Class and Counsel for Plaintiff J M Smith Corporation d/b/a Smith Drug Company.

Michael J. Barry, GRANT & EISENHOFER P.A., Wilmington, Delaware; Robert G. Eisler, Deborah A. Elman, Chad B. Holtzman, GRANT & EISENHOFER P.A., New York, New York Interim Co-Lead Counsel for the Proposed End-Payor Class and Counsel for Plaintiff Law Enforcement Health Benefits, Inc.

Sharon K. Robertson, Donna M. Evans, Matthew W. Ruan, COHEN MILSTEIN SELLERS & TOLL PLLC, New York, New York Interim Co-Lead Counsel for the Proposed End-Payor Class and Counsel for Plaintiff Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, Maryland.

Michael J. Barry, GRANT & EISENHOFER P.A., Wilmington, Delaware; Jayne A. Goldstein, SHEPHERD, FINKELMAN, MILLER & SHAH, LLP, Media, Pennsylvania Interim Co-Lead Counsel for the Proposed End-Payor Class and Counsel for Plaintiffs Fraternal Order of Police, Miami Lodge 20, and Insurance Trust Fund.

J. Clayton Athey, Jason Wayne Rigby, PRICKETT, JONES & ELLIOTT, P.A., Wilmington, Delaware; Barry L. Refsin, Alexander J. Egervary, Caitlin V. McHugh, HANGLEY ARONCHICK SEGAL PUDLIN & SCHILLER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Monica L. Kiley, Eric L. Bloom, HANGLEY ARONCHICK SEGAL PUDLIN & SCHILLER, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Counsel for Plaintiffs CVS Pharmacy Inc., Rite Aid Corp., and Rite Aid Headquarters Corp.

J. Clayton Athey, Jason Wayne Rigby, PRICKETT, JONES & ELLIOTT, P.A., Wilmington, Delaware; Scott E. Perwin, Lauren C. Ravkind, Anna T. Neil, KENNY NACHWALTER, P.A., Miami, Florida Counsel for Plaintiff Walgreen Co., The Kroger Co., Albertsons Companies Inc., Hy-Vee, Inc., and H-E-B, L.P.

Heidi M. Silton, Jessica N. Servais, LOCKRIDGE GRINDAL NAUEN P.L.L.P., Minneapolis, Minnesota Additional Counsel for Pipe Trades Services MN Welfare Fund and the Proposed End-Payor Class.

Peter Safirstein, SAFIRSTEIN METCALF LLP, New York, New York Additional Counsel for Plaintiff Sergeants Benevolent Association Health & Welfare Fund and the Proposed End-Payor Class.

Archana Tamoshunas, TAUS, CEBULASH & LANDAU, LLP, New York, New York Additional Counsel for Plaintiff Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, Maryland and the End-Payor Proposed Class.

Lee Albert, Brian D. Brooks, GLANCY, PRONGAY, & MYRRAY, New York New York Counsel for The Uniformed Firefighters' Association of Greater New York Security Benefit Fund and the Retired Firefighters' Security Benefit Fund of the Uniformed Firefighters Association.

Robert J. Kriner, Jr., Tiffany Joanne Cramer, CHIMICLES SCHWARTZ KRINER & DONALDSON-SMITH LLP, Wilmington, Delaware; Dianne M. Nast, Joseph N. Roda, Michael D. Ford, NASTLAW, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Michael L. Roberts, Stephanie E. Smith, ROBERTS LAW FIRM US, PC, Little Rock, Arkansas Counsel for Plaintiff KPH Healthcare Services Inc.

Daniel M. Silver, Alexandrea M. Joyce, MCCARTER & ENGLISH, LLP, Wilmington, Delaware; John E. Schmidtlein, Benjamin M. Greenblum, Colette T. Connor, Thomas S. Fletcher, Akhil K. Gola, WILLIAMS & CONNOLLY, Washington, District of Columbia Counsel for Defendant AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals L.P., AstraZeneca L.P. and AstraZeneca UK Ltd.

Arthur G. Connolly, III, Alan Richard Silverstein, CONNOLLY GALLAGHER LLP, Wilmington, Delaware; Christopher J. Marino, James E. Gallagher, DAVIS MALM & D'AGOST1NE, P.C., Boston, Massachusetts Counsel for Defendant Handa Pharmaceuticals LLC.

Jack B. Blumenfeld, Michael J. Flynn, MORRIS, NICHOLS, ARSHT & TUNNELL LLP, Wilmington Delaware; Stephen J. McIntyre, O'MELVENY & MYERS LLP, Los Angeles, California; Brett J. Williamson, O'MELVENY & MYERS LLP, Newport Beach, California; Ben Bradshaw, O'MELVENY & MYERS LLP, Washington, District of Columbia Counsel for Defendant Par Pharmaceuticals Inc.

John W. Shaw, Karen E. Keller, Nathan Roger Hoeschen, SHAW KELLER LLP, Wilmington Delaware; Thomas J. Lang, Christina E. Fahmy, Peter M. Boyle, KILPATRICK TOWNSEND & STOCKTON LLP, Washington, District of Columbia Counsel for Defendant Accord Healthcare Inc.


These three separately consolidated antitrust actions have been coordinated for discovery and pretrial proceedings pursuant to a stipulated order. D.I. 134 at 3.1 The actions arise out of agreements to settle patent litigation...

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