Civil Action No. 3:16-CV-63-DPJ-FKB.


United States District Court, S.D. Mississippi, Northern Division.

July 24, 2018.

Editors Note
Applicable Law: 42 U.S.C. § 1983
Cause: 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Civil Rights Act
Nature of Suit: 440 Civil Rights: Other
Source: PACER

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

John Doe, Plaintiff, represented by J. Lawson Hester, PETTIS, BARFIELD & HESTER, PA & Michelle Tolle High, PETTIS, BARFIELD & HESTER, PA.

The University of Mississippi, State Institutions of Higher Learning, ("IHL"), State of Mississippi, The Board of Trustees of State IHL, C.D. Smith, Jr., in his official capacity as President of the Board of IHL, Shane Hooper, in his official capacity as Vice-President of the Board of State IHL, Tom Duff, in his official capacity as a Board Member of IHL, Dr. Ford Dye, in his official capacity as a Board Member of IHL, Ann H Lamar, in her official capacity as a Board Member of IHL, Dr. Alfred E. Jr. McNair, Chip Morgan, Hal Parker, Alan W Perry, in his official capacity as a Board Member of IHL, Christy Pickering, in her official capacity as a Board Member of IHL, Dr. Doug W Rouse, in his official capacity as a Board Member of IHL, Board of IHL Dr. J. Walt Starr, in his official capacity as a Board Member of IHL, Glen F. Boyce in his official capacity as Commissioner of Higher Education & Jeffrey S. Vitter in his official capacity as Chancellor of the University of Mississippi, Defendants, represented by J. Cal Mayo, Jr., MAYO MALLETTE PLLC, John Andrew Mauldin, MAYO MALLETTE, PLLC & Paul B. Watkins, Jr., MAYO MALLETTE, PLLC.


Defendants in this sex-discrimination case ask the Court to dismiss Plaintiff John Doe's Amended Complaint in its entirety. As detailed below, Defendants' Motion to Dismiss [45] is granted as to all claims against all Defendants other than the Title IX claims against the State Defendants...

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