Microsoft Corporation, Defendant, represented by Lawrence D. Graham, LOWE GRAHAM JONES, Sonal N. Mehta, DURIE TANGRI LLP, pro hac vice & Mark P. Walters, LOWE GRAHAM JONES.
Ubisoft, Inc., Defendant, represented by Eric A. Buresh, ERISE IP, P.A., pro hac vice, Lawrence D. Graham, LOWE GRAHAM JONES, Mark Christopher Lang, ERISE IP, P.A., pro hac vice, Michelle Lyons Marriott, ERISE IP, P.A., pro hac vice & Mark P. Walters, LOWE GRAHAM JONES.
Nintendo of America, Inc., Defendant, represented by Clyde Moody Siebman, Siebman Burg Phillips & Smith LLP & Jonathan L. McFarland, PERKINS COIE.
Electronic Arts Inc, Defendant, represented by Sonal N. Mehta, DURIE TANGRI LLP, pro hac vice, Lawrence D. Graham, LOWE GRAHAM JONES & Mark P. Walters, LOWE GRAHAM JONES.
Harmonix Music Systems, Inc., Defendant, represented by Lawrence D. Graham, LOWE GRAHAM JONES, Linda Jean Thayer, FINNEGAN, HENDERSON, FARABOW, GARRETT & DUNNER LLP, pro hac vice, Patrick J. Coyne, FINNEGAN, HENDERSON, FARABOW, GARRETT & DUNNER LLP, pro hac vice & Mark P. Walters, LOWE GRAHAM JONES.
Majesco Entertainment, Defendant, represented by Lawrence D. Graham, LOWE GRAHAM JONES, Zachary David Silbersher, KROUB SILBERSHER & KOLMYKOV PLLC, pro hac vice & Mark P. Walters, LOWE GRAHAM JONES.
Microsoft Corporation, Counter Claimant, represented by Lawrence D. Graham, LOWE GRAHAM JONES & Sonal N. Mehta, DURIE TANGRI LLP, pro hac vice.
Electronic Arts Inc, Counter Claimant, represented by Sonal N. Mehta, DURIE TANGRI LLP, pro hac vice.
Nintendo of America, Inc., Counter Claimant, represented by Jonathan L. McFarland, PERKINS COIE.
RICHARD A. JONES, District Judge.
Judgment is entered in favor of Defendants Microsoft Corporation, Electronic Arts Inc., Harmonix Music Systems, Inc., Majesco Entertainment Co., Ubisoft Inc., and Nintendo of America Inc.'s (collectively "Defendants...
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