No. CV 14-3761 (LDW) (AKT).

JOSE VALERIO, on behalf of himself and all others similarly situated, Plaintiff, v. RNC INDUSTRIES, LLC and RICHARD TONYES, in his individual and professional capacities, Defendants.

United States District Court, E.D. New York.

March 22, 2016.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Jose Valerio, Plaintiff, represented by Alexander T. Coleman, Borrelli & Associates PLLC, Michael J. Borrelli, Borrelli& Associates, P.C., Anthony Patrick Malecki, Law Offices of Borrelli & Associates & Dong Phuong Van Nguyen, Borrelli & Associates PLLC.

RNC Industries, LLC, Defendant, represented by Christopher A. Smith, Trivella, Forte & Smith, LLP & Jonathan Michael Bardavid, Trivella & Forte, LLP.

Richard Tonyes, Defendant, represented by Christopher A. Smith, Trivella, Forte & Smith, LLP & Jonathan Michael Bardavid, Trivella & Forte, LLP.


Jose Valerio ("Plaintiff" or "Valerio") brings this wage and hour action, individually and on behalf of other persons similarly situated, against Defendants RNC Industries, LLC ("RNC") and Richard Tonyes ("Tonyes"), in both his individual and professional capacities (collectively...

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