Case No. 8:14-cv-3129-T-30TBM.


United States District Court, M.D. Florida, Tampa Division.

December 23, 2015.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Meth Lab Cleanup, LLC, Plaintiff, represented by John Mason Williams, IV, Widerman Malek, PL & Mark F. Warzecha, Widerman Malek, P.L..

Spaulding Decon, LLC, Defendant, represented by Nicole Marie Fluet, Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith, PLC, Robert R. Waters, Waters Law Group, PLLC, Autumn George, Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith, PLC & Lee John Harang, Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith, PLC.

Laura Spaulding, Defendant, represented by Lee John Harang, Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith, PLC, Nicole Marie Fluet, Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith, PLC, Robert R. Waters, Waters Law Group, PLLC & Autumn George, Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith, PLC.

Spaulding Decon, LLC, Third Party Plaintiff, represented by Lee John Harang, Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith, PLC, Nicole Marie Fluet, Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith, PLC, Robert R. Waters, Waters Law Group, PLLC & Autumn George, Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith, PLC.

Laura Spaulding, Third Party Plaintiff, represented by Lee John Harang, Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith, PLC, Nicole Marie Fluet, Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith, PLC, Robert R. Waters, Waters Law Group, PLLC & Autumn George, Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith, PLC.

Julie Mazzuca, Third Party Defendant, represented by John Mason Williams, IV, Widerman Malek, P.L. & Mark F. Warzecha, Widerman Malek, P.L..

Mr. Joseph Mazzuca, Third Party Defendant, represented by John Mason Williams, IV, Widerman Malek, PL & Mark F. Warzecha, Widerman Malek, P.L..

Spaulding Decon, LLC, Counter Claimant, represented by Lee John Harang, Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith, PLC, Nicole Marie Fluet, Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith, PLC, Robert R. Waters, Waters Law Group, PLLC & Autumn George, Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith, PLC.

Laura Spaulding, Counter Claimant, represented by Lee John Harang, Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith, PLC, Nicole Marie Fluet, Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith, PLC, Robert R. Waters, Waters Law Group, PLLC & Autumn George, Galloway, Johnson, Tompkins, Burr & Smith, PLC.

Meth Lab Cleanup, LLC, Counter Defendant, represented by John Mason Williams, IV, Widerman Malek, PL & Mark F. Warzecha, Widerman Malek, P.L..


THIS CAUSE is before the Court on the parties competing motions for partial summary judgment (Dkts. # 49 and 57, respectively) on Count V of Defendants' Counterclaim (Dkt. 32). That count alleges that Plaintiff breached a settlement agreement the parties entered into in...

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