Civil Action No. GLR-13-3758.

THOMAS ROBERT FOSTER, et al., Plaintiffs, v. OFFICER CARMINE VIGNOLA, et al., Defendants.

United States District Court, D. Maryland.

July 30, 2015.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Thomas Robert Foster, Plaintiff, represented by Robert L Smith, Jr, Robert L Smith Jr Esq Attorney At Law.

Thomas Darnell Foster, Plaintiff, represented by Robert L Smith, Jr, Robert L Smith Jr Esq Attorney At Law.

Surina C. Foster, Plaintiff, represented by Robert L Smith, Jr, Robert L Smith Jr Esq Attorney At Law.

Officer Carmine Vignola, Defendant, represented by Michael L Marshall, Schlachman Belsky and Weiner PA & Chaz Romeo Ball, Schlachman Belsky and Weiner PA.

Officer Gregory Fisher, Defendant, represented by Michael L Marshall, Schlachman Belsky and Weiner PA & Chaz Romeo Ball, Schlachman Belsky and Weiner PA.

Police Officer Thomas E. Wilson, Defendant, represented by Michael L Marshall, Schlachman Belsky and Weiner PA & Chaz Romeo Ball, Schlachman Belsky and Weiner PA.

Police Officer Keith Gladstone, Defendant, represented by Michael L Marshall, Schlachman Belsky and Weiner PA & Chaz Romeo Ball, Schlachman Belsky and Weiner PA.


Plaintiffs, Thomas Robert Foster ("Foster, Jr."), Thomas Darnell Foster ("Foster, Sr."), and Surina C. Foster, bring this action pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1983 (2012), seeking monetary damages for alleged violations of their rights under the Fourth Amendment...

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