No. 8:14CV41.

LEE A. JENKINS, on behalf of himself and all others similarly situated; Plaintiff, v. CHRISTOPHER E. PECH, PECH, HUGHES, & MCDONALD, P.C., d/b/a Litow & Pech, P.C., A Fictitious Name; Defendants.

United States District Court, D. Nebraska.

June 23, 2015.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Lee A. Jenkins, Plaintiff, represented by O. Randolph Bragg, HORWITZ, HORWITZ LAW FIRM, Pamela A. Car, CAR, REINBRECHT LAW FIRM & William L. Reinbrecht, CAR, REINBRECHT LAW FIRM.

Christopher E. Pech, Defendant, represented by Jeffrey A. Topor, SIMMONDS, NARITA LAW FIRM & Tomio B. Narita, SIMMONDS, NARITA LAW FIRM.

Pech,Hughes, & McDonald, P.C., Defendant, represented by Jeffrey A. Topor, SIMMONDS, NARITA LAW FIRM.

Pech,Hughes, & McDonald, P.C., Defendant, represented by Tomio B. Narita, SIMMONDS, NARITA LAW FIRM.


This matter is before the court on the plaintiff's objection, Filing No. 115, to the magistrate judge's order, Filing No. 111, in connection with the plaintiff's motions to compel subpoenas on FIA Card Servs., Inc., N.A. ("FIA...

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