No. 1:12-cv-00993.


United States District Court, M.D. Pennsylvania.

June 22, 2015.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, on behalf of itself and all others similarly situated, Plaintiff, represented by Benjamin F. Johns, Chimicles & Tikellis LLP, Christina D Saler, Chimicles & Tikellis LLP, Kimberly M. Donaldson Smith, Chimicles & Tikellis LLP & Nicholas E. Chimicles, CHIMICLES & TIKELLIS LLP.

Orrstown Financial Services, Inc., Defendant, represented by David J. Creagan, White and Williams, LLP & David E. Edwards, White and Williams LLP.

Orrstown Bank, Defendant, represented by David J. Creagan, White and Williams, LLP & David E. Edwards, White and Williams LLP.

Anthony F. Ceddia, Defendant, represented by David J. Creagan, White and Williams, LLP & David E. Edwards, White and Williams LLP.

Jeffrey W. Coy, Defendant, represented by David J. Creagan, White and Williams, LLP & David E. Edwards, White and Williams LLP.

Mark K. Keller, Defendant, represented by David J. Creagan, White and Williams, LLP & David E. Edwards, White and Williams LLP.

Andrea Pugh, Defendant, represented by David J. Creagan, White and Williams, LLP & David E. Edwards, White and Williams LLP.

Thomas R. Quinn, Jr., Defendant, represented by David J. Creagan, White and Williams, LLP & David E. Edwards, White and Williams LLP.

Gregory A. Rosenberry, Defendant, represented by David J. Creagan, White and Williams, LLP & David E. Edwards, White and Williams LLP.

Kenneth R. Shoemaker, Defendant, represented by David J. Creagan, White and Williams, LLP & David E. Edwards, White and Williams LLP.

Glenn W. Snoke, Defendant, represented by David J. Creagan, White and Williams, LLP & David E. Edwards, White and Williams LLP.

John S. Ward, Defendant, represented by David J. Creagan, White and Williams, LLP & David E. Edwards, White and Williams LLP.

Joel R. Zullinger, Defendant, represented by David J. Creagan, White and Williams, LLP & David E. Edwards, White and Williams LLP.

Bradley S. Everly, Defendant, represented by David J. Creagan, White and Williams, LLP & David E. Edwards, White and Williams LLP.

JEFFREY W. EMBLY, Defendant, represented by David J. Creagan, White and Williams, LLP.

SMITH ELLIOTT KEARNS & COMPANY, LLC, Defendant, represented by Jonathan S. Ziss, Goldberg Segalla LLP & Seth L. Laver, Goldberg Segalla LLP.

SANDLER O'NEILL & PARTNERS L.P., Defendant, represented by Adam Gold, Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, Bradley Wilson, Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, Jeffrey M. Monhait, Cozen O'Connor, Jeffrey G. Weil, Cozen O'Connor & Thomas G. Wilkinson, Cozen O'Connor.

JANNEY MONTGOMERY SCOTT LLC, Defendant, represented by Adam Gold, Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, Bradley Wilson, Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, Jeffrey M. Monhait, Cozen O'Connor, Jeffrey G. Weil, Cozen O'Connor & Thomas G. Wilkinson, Cozen O'Connor.


Before the Court is a motion to dismiss filed on behalf of Defendants Orrstown Financial Services, Orrstown Bank, Anthony Ceddia, Jeffrey Coy, Mark Keller, Andrea Pugh, Thomas Quinn, Jr., Gregory Rosenberry, Kenneth Shoemaker, Glenn Snoke, John Ward, Bradley Every, Joel Zullinger...

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