United States District Court, S.D. Illinois.https://leagle.com/images/logo.png
September 30, 2014.
September 30, 2014.
Attorney(s) appearing for the Case
Henry Ruppel, Plaintiff, represented by Jason Daniel Marks, Napoli Bern et al, Eric D. Jackstadt, Napoli Bern, et al., Ethan Allen Horn, Napoli Bern et al, Keenen W Ng, Napoli Bern et al, Lance Stewart, Napoli Bern et al, Patrick N. Haines, Napoli Bern, et al., Ron Archer, Napoli Bern et al & Tammy C. Barcenilla, Napoli Bern et al.
CBS Corporation, Defendant, represented by Daniel G. Donahue, Foley & Mansfield, PLLP, Robert P Morgan, Eckert Seamans, et al. & William D Harvard, Evert Weathersby Houff.
Crane Co., Defendant, represented by Benjamin J. Wilson, HeplerBroom LLC, Carl J. Geraci, HeplerBroom LLC & Noel L. Smith, Jr., HeplerBroom LLC.
Georgia-Pacific LLC, Defendant, represented by Brian J. Huelsmann, Hepler Broom et al..
Warren Pumps, LLC, Defendant, represented by Keith B. Hill, Heyl, Royster et al., Kent L. Plotner, Heyl, Royster et al., Lisa A. LaConte, Heyl, Royster et al., Patrick D. Cloud, Heyl, Royster et al. & Sara Ann Ingram, Heyl, Royster et al..
CBS Corporation, Cross Defendant, represented by Daniel G. Donahue, Foley & Mansfield, PLLP.
Georgia-Pacific LLC, Cross Defendant, represented by Brian J. Huelsmann, Hepler Broom et al..
CBS Corporation, Cross Defendant, represented by Daniel G. Donahue, Foley & Mansfield, PLLP.
Georgia-Pacific LLC, Cross Defendant, represented by Brian J. Huelsmann, Hepler Broom et al..
CBS Corporation, Cross Defendant, represented by Daniel G. Donahue, Foley & Mansfield, PLLP.
Georgia-Pacific LLC, Cross Defendant, represented by Brian J. Huelsmann, Hepler Broom et al..
Henry Ruppel, Cross Defendant, represented by Jason Daniel Marks, Napoli Bern et al, Patrick N. Haines, Napoli Bern, et al. & Tammy C. Barcenilla, Napoli Bern et al.
Warren Pumps, LLC, Cross Defendant, represented by Sara Ann Ingram, Heyl, Royster et al..
CBS Corporation, Cross Defendant, represented by Daniel G. Donahue, Foley & Mansfield, PLLP.
Georgia-Pacific LLC, Cross Defendant, represented by Brian J. Huelsmann, Hepler Broom et al..
Warren Pumps, LLC, Cross Defendant, represented by Sara Ann Ingram, Heyl, Royster et al..
United States District Court, S.D. Illinois.
DONALD G. WILKERSON, Magistrate Judge.
Now pending before the Court is the Motion for Summary Judgment filed by Defendant, Crane Company, on September 23, 2013 (Doc. 409). For the reasons set forth below, the Motion is DENIED.
Plaintiff filed his First Amended Complaint in this action in the Circuit Court of the Third Judicial Circuit in Madison County, Illinois on May 14, 2012, alleging...
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