No. 22-1461.

117 F.4th 97 (2024)

Tommy COLEMAN; Jason Perkins v. SYSTEM ONE HOLDINGS, LLC, Appellant.

United States Court of Appeals, Third Circuit.

Filed: August 30, 2024.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Taylor Brailey, Robert W. Pritchard, Littler Mendelson, One PPG Place, Suite 2400, Pittsburgh, PA 15222, Counsel for Appellant.

Richard J. Burch, Bruckner Burch, 11 Greenway Plaza, Suite 3025, Houston, TX 77046, Lindsay I. Reimer, Andrew W. Dunlap, Josephson Dunlap, 11 Greenway Plaza, Suite 3050, Houston, TX 77046, Counsel for Appellees.

Before: CHAGARES, Chief Judge, RESTREPO and FREEMAN, Circuit Judges.


This case presents the question of whether we have jurisdiction over an interlocutory appeal taken from a district court order that requires the parties to conduct limited discovery into the arbitrability of the claims asserted, but that leaves pending a motion to compel arbitration and to stay...

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