No. 22-13406 Non-Argument Calendar.

109 F.4th 1352 (2024)

Roy S. MOORE, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. Guy CECIL, Priorities USA, Bully Pulpit Interactive LLC, Defendants-Appellees, Senate Majority Pac, et al., Defendants.

United States Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit.

Filed: July 31, 2024.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Jeffrey Scott Wittenbrink, Wittenbrink Law Firm, Baton Rouge, LA, Talmadge Butts, Roy Stewart Moore, Foundation for Moral Law, Montgomery, AL, for Plaintiff-Appellant.

William B. Stafford, Elias Law Group, LLP, Seattle, WA, Marc Erik Elias, Christina A. Ford, Elias Law Group, LLP, Washington, DC, Barry Alan Ragsdale, Dominick Feld Hyde, PC, BIRMINGHAM, AL, for Defendants-Appellees Guy Cecil, Priorities USA, Bully Pulpit Interactive LLC.

Before Newsom, Branch, and Anderson, Circuit Judges.

Roy Moore appeals from the district court's dismissal of several defamation claims he asserted in a civil suit against the defendants. The dismissed claims centered around (1) several tweets posted on the social media platform Twitter1 by defendant Guy Cecil, (2) a press release issued by Cecil, on behalf of defendant...

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