No. 23-2841.

108 F.4th 530 (2024)

Gordon GREEN, Debtor-Appellant, v. David P. LEIBOWITZ, Trustee-Appellee.

United States Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit.

Decided July 16, 2024.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Matthew Lee Stone, Attorney, Schneider & Stone, Skokie, IL, for Debtor-Appellant.

David P. Leibowitz, Attorney, Leibowitz, Hiltz & Zanzig, LLC, Chicago, IL, for Trustee-Appellee.

Before St. Eve, Kirsch, and Kolar, Circuit Judges.

This appeal is both broad and narrow. It is broad in that we must consider three areas of law—the Bankruptcy Code, the Internal Revenue Code, and Illinois state law—to answer the question presented. It is narrow in that the question we must answer requires statutory interpretation of a single phrase. Here, Debtor...

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