No. 19-35506.

64 F.4th 1368 (2023)

Cindy MENDOZA; Gloria Bermudez; Rebecca Heath; Karl Wade Roberts; Cekais Toni Ganuelas; Lori Spano, Plaintiffs-Appellants, v. Kris STRICKLER, in his official capacity as Director of the Oregon Department of Transportation; Amy Joyce, in her official capacity as Administrator of the Division of Motor Vehicles, Oregon Department of Transportation, Defendants-Appellees.

United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit.

Filed April 17, 2023.


The full court was advised of the petition for rehearing en banc. A judge requested a vote on whether to rehear the matter en banc, and the matter failed to receive a majority of the votes of the nonrecused active judges in favor of en banc consideration. See FED. R. APP. P. 35(a). Judge H.A. Thomas did not participate in the deliberations or vote in this case.

The petition for rehearing en banc is

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