2021-2320 2021-2376.

64 F.4th 1311 (2023)

Joe A. SALAZAR, Plaintiff-Appellant v. AT&T MOBILITY LLC, Sprint United Management Company, T-Mobile USA, Inc., Cellco Partnership Inc., dba Verizon Wireless, Inc., Defendants-Cross-Appellants HTC Corporation, HTC America, Inc., Defendants.

United States Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit.

Decided: April 5, 2023.

Attorney(s) appearing for the Case

Dariush Keyhani, Keyhani LLC, Washington, DC, argued for plaintiff-appellant.

Todd Eric Landis, Williams Simons & Landis PLLC, Dallas, TX, argued for defendants-cross-appellants. Also represented by Fred Williams, Austin, TX; John Wittenzellner, Philadelphia, PA.

Before Stoll, Schall, and Stark, Circuit Judges.

Joe Salazar appeals the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas's judgment of noninfringement, challenging the court's claim construction. Mr. Salazar contends that the court erroneously construed "a microprocessor" to mean one microprocessor, contrary to this...

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