No. 15-2597.

891 F.3d 117 (2018)

AMERICAN HUMANIST ASSOCIATION; Steven Lowe; Fred Edwords; Bishop McNeill, Plaintiffs-Appellants v. MARYLAND-NATIONAL CAPITAL PARK AND PLANNING COMMISSION, Defendant-Appellee The American Legion; The American Legion Department of Maryland; The American Legion Colmar Manor Post 131, Intervenors/Defendants-Appellees Freedom from Religion Foundation; Center for Inquiry, Amici Supporting Appellant The Beckett Fund for Religious Liberty; Joe Manchin; Doug Collins; Vicky Hartzler; Jody Hice; Evan Jenkins; Jim Jordan; Mark Meadows; Alex Mooney; State of West Virginia; State of Alabama; State of Arizona; State of Arkansas; State of Florida; State of Georgia; State of Hawaii; State of Idaho; State of Indiana; State of Kansas; State of Kentucky; State of Louisiana; State of Michigan; State of Montana; State of Nevada; State of North Dakota; State of Ohio; State of Oklahoma; State of Rhode Island; State of South Carolina; State of South Dakota; State of Texas; State of Utah; State of Virginia; State of Wisconsin, Amici Supporting Appellee Foundation for Moral Law, Amicus Supporting Rehearing Petition.

United States Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit.

AMENDED: March 2, 2018.


On a requested poll of the court on appellees' petitions for rehearing en banc, a majority of active judges voted to deny rehearing en banc. Judge Motz, Judge Duncan, Judge Keenan, Judge Wynn, Judge Diaz, Judge Floyd, Judge Thacker, and Judge Harris voted to deny rehearing en banc. Chief Judge Gregory, Judge Wilkinson, Judge Niemeyer, Judge Traxler, Judge King, and Judge Agee voted to grant rehearing en banc.

The petitions for rehearing en banc are...

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